
"Watani" is a poignant song written by the late Mansour Al Rahbani. In Arabic, "Watani" translates to "native country". The song beautifully captures the essence of belonging to one's homeland. It eloquently expresses the profound connection between an individual and their country—a relationship where the person knows their home intimately, and, in return, the home embraces them with open arms. Through its heartfelt lyrics, "Watani" conveys the significance of culture, love, and support provided by one's country. It evokes a sense of pride and gratitude for the growth and enrichment that stems from being nurtured by the unique traditions and values of one's motherland.

The legacy of Mansour Al Rahbani lives on through this moving composition, reminding us of the profound bond we share with our native land and the cherished memories it holds in our hearts.